The installation «30 Achievements of Independence» was opened on the eve of the 30th anniversary of the Kazakhstan Republic’s Independence Day on December 14, 2021.

Over the 30 years of Independence, Kazakhstan has achieved many significant achievements, but for the installation, 30 were selected which the exhibits tell about.

The artistic solution of the installation is the snow-white turns of the spiral of the historical development of Kazakhstan. You can enter the spiral from the future, and moving along the loops through stock items - a globe, a dosimeter, products of Kazakhstan’s manufacturers and others, you get to know the achievements of the young state.

Only after going all the way you can reach the center of the installation - the rod, symbolizing the inviolability of the Independence of Kazakhstan.

Pupils of school № 31 in Temirtau city and representatives of the media took part in the opening.


101404, Karaganda region
city of Temirtau, Metallurgov Avenue 28/4

phone: +7 (7213) 93-19-05
+7 747 185 58 02


Opening hours

Monday- Saturday

From 9 am-18 pm

Saturday from 10am-18pm

Sunday - day off

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