A special project: «Uly dalanyn Uly esimderі» from the series of events: «Visual novels from life» was realized in the museum of Temirtau city on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Soviet Union twice hero, Major General of Aviation T.Ya. Bigeldinov on March 3, 2022, implemented.
The event was held on the basis of the 6 " Ә " class of secondary school No. 10. The background for the event was a mini-exposition of stock exhibits, archival documents and video materials, highlighting the life of T. Begeldinov.
For the event, the research format «what's in the black box» was used, where the fate of the Kazakh batyr was revealed through exhibits: the Order of the Patriotic War of the II degree, the Order of the Red Star, a spruce branch, banknotes of the 1938 model, tumar, a fighter pilot's helmet, etc.