The educational project "Discover the world. 6 types of sensations" was launched for school camps on June 4, 2024, .

Auditory sense - in the hall "Unity of the Kazakhstan people" in the center there is a mini-exposition revealing the "Traditions of the musical culture of the people of Kazakhstan", where the following were presented: kobyz, dombyra, cymbals, Tatar accordion, balalaika, gusli, doira, etc. The excursionists recognized musical instruments by their sound, and also placed notes denoting sounds on the staff in accordance with the numbering of the lines, and created their own orchestra.
Tactile sense - boxes were prepared for the participants, in which the exhibits were located. The players tactilely examined each exhibit.
Olfaction - the players were given a white substance, and the children recognized it by its structure and smell.
Taste sensations - the project participants identified candies by taste with their eyes closed.
Visual perception - exhibits of 4 colors were displayed for the participants to see.

The players placed balls in a cauldron for speed in accordance with the color of the exhibit.
Based on the photograph, they were able to visually identify the ingredients of national dishes and independently "cook": beshbarmak, pilaf and chak-chak.


101404, Karaganda region
city of Temirtau, Metallurgov Avenue 28/4

phone: +7 (7213) 93-19-05
+7 747 185 58 02

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Opening hours

Monday- Saturday

From 9 am-18 pm

Saturday from 10am-18pm

Sunday - day off