А grand puppet show "Dombyra Dastan" was held at the nursery of kindergarten No. 5 "Saule"on the Day of Dombra on June 28, 2024, at 10-00 .

Dolls Aibatyr and Nastya visited grandmother Zere, who told them amazing stories and legends about the dombyra.
During the production, a variety of musical instruments were presented to the young spectators: dombyra, kobyz, triangle, sazsyrnai, tai tuyak, balalaika, mandolin, doira, accordion, gusli, etc.

The pupils of the kindergarten were able not only to touch musical instruments, but also to create their own orchestra. Children identified musical instruments by their sounds and received sweet prizes.


101404, Karaganda region
city of Temirtau, Metallurgov Avenue 28/4

phone: +7 (7213) 93-19-05
+7 747 185 58 02

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Opening hours

Monday- Saturday

From 9 am-18 pm

Saturday from 10am-18pm

Sunday - day off