17 August, 2018 the exposition " Zhauyirtau - Temirtau" was presented by the Local History museum of Temirtau city and was opened within the framework of the State Program " Рухани жаңғыру ". This exposition formed on the latest results of the museum's research in the field of the history of our region became the basis for the first scientific and practical conference of the forum-festival "Жауыртаудағы кездесу ". Each information block of the exposition was accompanied by unique ethnographic exhibits dating back to the mid-19th - early 20th centuries.
The senior researcher of the museum Khmeleva T.V read a report including previously unpublished historical information collected by the museum of Temirtau city about the history of the Zhauyrtau tract during the scientific-practical conference.
The museum's research has become the scientific substantiation of the theme of the forum festival " Жауыртаудағы кездесу ".