21 February, 2019 a new project "Exhibit of the month" was opened in the museum of Temirtau city. Exhibits related to the history of the city, donated by residents and guests of the city, collected in the museum’s funds will be presented in the project. Exhibits will change monthly.

  • тамыз 2020

  • July 2020

  • March 2020

  • february 2020

  • december 2019

  • August 2019

  • July 2019

  • April 2019

  • May 2019

  • March 2019

  • February 2019


An exhibition “Exhibit of the Month” was opened to the International Day of Mountaineers on August 6, at 10.30 am.

Mountain boots “Triconi” became the exhibit of month.

Mountain boots were donated to the museum by Romashkin Shikap Kadirovich: a member of the Tourist Club “Magnet”, Honored Tourism Instructor of the Kazakhstan Republic, holder of the sign “Mountaineer of the USSR”, traveler, photographer.

Romashkin Sh.K. graduated courses of mountain tourism’s instructors in the alpine camp “Gorelnik” in 1969 (Alma-Ata city). Zimin V.M.: head of the Kazakh school’s mountaineering instructors, MS in mountaineering and mountain tourism, one of the founders of this school during the Second World War presented to Romashkin Sh.K. these boots to the excellent completion of the course.

Mountain tourist routes of the Pamirs, Trans-Ili Alatau, the peaks of the Baikal region and the Far East were conquered in these boots.

Triconi- metal toothed heels that allowed the athlete to stay on almost any relief: rocks, ice, wet grass - were attached to the sole of the boots with staples. If necessary, climbing crampons were additionally attached to the boots. Boots were impregnated with tar or fish oil to increase moisture resistance.

The disadvantages of boots with triconi are their heavy weight (the presented pair of size 36 - 1 kg 900 g.) and rapid cooling at low temperatures, which can lead to frostbite of the athlete's feet.

At that time in the USSR tourists received equipment through a sports club, only for the duration of the trip. Each participant was given boots, a storm suit and mittens, glasses, harness, crampons, and ice ax. The instructor received public equipment: tents, ropes, etc. It was almost impossible to acquire personal equipment, since it was not sold in the retail network. The athletes themselves sewed and made their own equipment. The lack of special mountain footwear was a particular problem. Often tourists fastened climbing crampons on ordinary felt boots during crossings on glaciers.


Opening of the "Exhibit of the Month" exposition was held to the Day of Metallurgists.

The exhibit of the month is the steelmaker’s glasses of the 1940s.

Safety glasses were used by steel workers of the Kazakh Metallurgical Factory to observe through the filling window of the open-hearth furnace. The factory produced the first steel in December 1944.

Steelmakers made glasses with their own hands. Holes for the eyes were cut out in two textolite plates, and blue cobalt glass was inserted between them. The plates were connected with copper rivets.

Glasses were attached to the hats with special clothespins or simply held on by hand.

Cobalt glass is used to protect the eyes from infrared radiation. In addition to protective functions blue glass has the ability to clearly convey the brightness contrasts of incandescent surfaces, which plays a special role in observing the progress of the steel making process, allows you to observe the condition of the roof and walls of the furnaces, as well as the molten steel and slag. The flame appears purple when viewed through cobalt glass, although the flame appears yellow without glass. Blue glass is made by adding cobalt oxide to the glass melt.

Honored Metallurgist of the Kazakh SSR - Dumin Ivan Stepanovich donated the exhibit to the museum’s funds. Dyumin I.S. graduated from the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys in 1932, worked at the metallurgical Factory of Donbass, Odessa, Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Since 1945 he worked as the head of the rolling department of the KMF of the Samarkand village. He was transferred to the position of Factory’s director in 1945 and finished his labor activity in the metallurgical industry in 1965.


The exposition “Perfumes “Red Moscow” was opened within the framework of the project “Exhibit of the Month” on March 6.

A copy of the legendary perfume “Red Moscow” was presented to the citizens and made in the USSR in the early 80s of the XX century. The exhibit has excellent preservation - intact packaging and full bottle.

The first version of the fragrance appeared at the Brokar & Co factory in 1913. It was created for the Empress Maria Feodorovna, perfumer August Michel, in honor of the 300th anniversary of the Romanov reign.

The production of aroma was resumed by the New Dawn factory after the October Revolution of 1917 in 1925 under the name Red Moscow.

The perfume “Red Moscow” was transferred to the museum funds by a resident of Temirtau city Stepanova Valentina. Perfumes were purchased in the mid-1980s for 5 rubles 30 kopecks.

921 ақпанда «Ай жәдігері» жобасы аясында «Ресей империясы ҚК әскери қызметшілерінің униформасының элементтері» атты экспозициясының ашылуы өтті.

Қала тұрғындарының назарына ХІХ ғасырдың соңы мен XX ғасырдың басында қолданылған Ресей империясы Қарулы Күштері әскери қызметшілерінің мундиріне тағылатын белдіктің айылбасы мен түймесі ұсынылады. Жәдігерлер өз уақытында Николай II патшалығы мен Бірінші дүниежүзілік соғыстың куәгерлері болған, ал Кеңес дәуірінде оларды қолдануға үзілді-кесілді тыйым салынғандықтан коллекционерлердің игілігіне айналды.

Айылбас жезден жасалған. Бет жағында жағына Ресей империясының Кіші елтаңбасы бейнеленген мөртабан басылған. Айылбастың бір жағы оны қоян-қолтық ұрыс кезінде қару ретінде пайдалануға болатындай етіп өткірленген.

Түйме жалатпалы темірден жасалған. Түйменің алтын жалатылғандығы оның офицерлік құрамның униформасына жататынын анықтайды. Аверсінде Ресей империясының Кіші елтаңбасы бейнеленген. Түймелермен погондар бекітілген, мундир түймеленеді, сондай-ақ түймелер жеңдердің жиегіне де тігілген. Жеңдегі түймелер мундирдің тазалығын сақтау үшін тігілген деген нұсқа бар. Олар тамақ ішкеннен кейін аузын жеңмен сүртуге мүмкіндік бермейді.

Жәдігерлер 1984 жылы музей қорына «Аглострой» басқармасының монтажшысы В. М. Бондаренкодан келіп түсті, ол монеталар мен патрондарды жинаумен әуестенген.

Мұндай айылбастар мен түймелердің басым бөлігі бірінші дүниежүзілік соғыс кезіндегі шайқастарда табылған.


A presentation of the next unique exhibit was held within the framework of the project “Exhibit of the Month” on December 25, 2019.

A congratulatory card “Happy New Year 1946!” released to celebrate the first post-war New Year was presented to the visitors.

This card was sent in 1945 from Leningrad (St. Petersburg) to the Samarkand village, Kolesov family.

The text of the departure is written in the pre-reform Cyrillic alphabet, canceled in 1917. This means that the older generation of citizens of the USSR, educated before the October Revolution, still used this alphabet.

The recipient's address is Samarkand, by the time the postcard was delivered, it was already renamed in Temirtau (October 1, 1945). Probably, this news was not yet known to Leningraders.

In addition to wishes, the congratulatory text of the postcard contains news of the return from the front a man- the most joyful for those living in 1945.

The cost of the postcard is 1 ruble. The same cost was a loaf of rye bread made of wallpaper flour. However, a New Year's card was purchased and sent despite the difficulties of the post-war period.

And this is not all historical facts that can be found out by studying a small postal item - a New Year's card.

август 201915 Augu>t, 2019 another exhibit from the museum’s funds was presented within the framework of the Exhibit of the Month project. The museum presented the boxing gloves of our fellow countryman the World Champion, European Champion, USSR Boxing Champion Igor Ruzhnikov on the eve of Sports Day.

Ruzhnikov Igor Ivanovich was born in 1965 in the Arkhangelsk region. In childhood, he moved with his family to Temirtau. Since 1977 he began to engage in boxing with coaches Ginkel Victor and Vladimir. In 1983 Ruzhnikov I.I participated in one of his first international competitions in Cuba, from where he brought the gloves stored in the museum. In 1989 our fellow countryman became the winner of the world's largest boxing competitions - Championship of the USSR, Europe and the world.

Gloves are a unique example of a boxer's professional ammunition. It made by the famous Cuban manufacturer of sports equipment «Batos» from cowhide ,class A, fastening - lacing, weight - 16 ounces.

The gloves were transferred to the museum funds by I. I. Ruzhnikov in 1988 along with historical documents and photographs from the athlete’s personal archive.

«Exhibit of the Month» was attended by city media, residents of Temirtau.

июль 201918 July, at 10.00, a presentation of a unique exhibit from the museum funds was held in the museum of Temirtau city. The project presents different exhibits

related to the history of the city, donated by residents and guests of the city, collected in the museum. Exhibits are updated monthly.

The first iron casting of Kazakhstan was presented to the public.

3 July, 1960 it is birthday of the Kazakhstan Magnitka. And the only symbol of this event is the casting with the inscription: «The first iron casting of Kazakhstan. July 1960». On the slab there is a bas-relief of the blast furnace A long history preceded its creation.

In the 1930s, geologists K.I. Satpayev, M.I. Rusakov, A.N. Speransky repeatedly raised the issue of building a large metallurgical factory in Central Kazakhstan. However, in view of the fact that in a war, the question of building a large metallurgical factory with a full cycle is out of the question, it was decided to build a small refinery in the Karaganda region, near the Samarkand reservoir. For 11 months, from the old dismantled equipment, evacuated from the factories of the western part of the USSR, the first manufactories were built.

31 December, 1944 open-hearth furnace number 1 gave the first Kazakh steel.

In the postwar years, the idea of creating a metallurgical factory with a full cycle on the basis of the conversion factory does not lose its relevance.

14-15 February, 1956, at the XX Congress of the Central Committee of the CPSU, it was decided: "To put into operation at the Karaganda Metallurgical Factory blast furnaces with a capacity of 1 million 350 thousand tons of cast iron in year and a continuous sheet mill."

In 1957, construction of the first blast furnace began and soon Kazakhstan Magnitka was declared the All-Union Komsomol construction strike. Youth squads from all over the Soviet Union and the countries of the socialist bloc came to Temirtau. Thanks to the enthusiasm of youth, construction was completed.

«Exhibit of the Month» was attended by the city media.

апрель 20196 April, 2019 an unique exhibit from the museum’s funds was held as part of the project «Exhibit of the Month» in the museum of Temirtau city.

The handle of the KTM-1 tram driver's hand controller was introduced. The KTM-1 trams, or as the citizens called them “Cheburashka” along the first tram route “Industrial Base - Sotsgorod”, delivered the workers to the construction site of the Karaganda Metallurgical Factory.

KTM-1 was controlled with the help of the handle presented in the exposition, which was mounted on the controller and, by moving it horizontally left and right, provided current access and movement of the tram.

Girls prepared on special courses in Karaganda were drivers of the first trams.

The exhibition also presents quicker tickets for travel on a tram, issued in 1989 and 2010.

The handle of the KTM-1 tram driver's hand controller was transferred to the museum by veterans of the Temirtau tram park.

май 201927 May, 2019 presentation of the rarity from the museum funds was held within the framework of the project «Exhibit of the month». It is trendy gadget of Soviet citizens of the middle 1960s. This is a tricolor TV-filter for black and white TVs.

TV-filter superimposed on the protective glass tube, the edges of the film came in under the facing strips of the screen or attached with adhesive tape. As a result the image on the TV becomes color. The presence of a TV- filter in a Soviet family was special wealth.

In 1968 the first serial color TV was released in the USSR. Gradually the TV- filters went out of use.

The television filter is made of fragile film so the fact that this object has survived to our times can be considered unique!!!!

The exhibit was given to the museum by V.M. Stepanov a resident of the city. It was acquired at the end of the 1960s in the department «Culture» of the shop «Start» for 1 ruble 5 kopecks.

март 201927 March, 2019, the presentation of the next unique exhibit from the museum funds was held in the framework of the «Exhibit of the Month» project . Exhibits related to the history of the city, donated by residents and guests of the city, collected in the museum’s funds will be presented in the project. Exhibits change monthly.

This time part of the sailor uniform of the United Naval Forces of Japan during the Second World War of 1941–45 was presented. These are pants of a Japanese war prisoner.

According to the Karaganda regional archive on January 1, 1946, two sections of the camp for Japanese war prisoners designed for 1509 and 818 war prisoners situated in Temirtau city. The main camp was located on the right bank of the Samarkand reservoir.

Japanese war prisoners participated in the construction of the Synthetic Rubber factory, the Kazakh factory, Karaganda Hydro Power Station-1 and hydroelectric complex, built houses and roads.

Severe climatic conditions, hard work and malnutrition undermined prisoners' health. 27 Japanese citizens were buried on the territory of the Spassky camp.

In 1946 the repatriation of Japanese war prisoners began. In 1950, Spassk- Factory camp No. 99 was eliminated.

The memory of camps for Japanese war prisoners in Temirtau is perpetuated in the name of the gulf of the Samarkand reservoir - the Gulf of Japan.

«Exhibit of the Month» project was attended by the regional and city media and Orishchenko Valentina Yegorovna, who presented the museum an unique exhibit.

февраль 201921 February, 2019 a new project "Exhibit of the month" was opened in the museum of Temirtau city. Exhibits related to the history of the city, donated by residents and guests of the city, collected in the museum’s funds will be presented in the project. Exhibits will change monthly.

The epic novel “Way of Abai” written by the M.Auezov was presented first. This novel was written in the Kazakh language in 1942, and later was translated into 116 languages of the world.M. Auezov received the USSR Prize after the publication of the first two volumes of the book. Also in 1959 he was awarded the Lenin’sprize after the publication of four volumes of the book.

This exhibit has a unique legend and history associated with a resident of the Temirtau city. The book was donated to the museum by the Kolomeichenko family, who arrived in Samarkand in 1943 for the construction of the Kazakh Metallurgical Factory.The book was purchased in the store in the winter of 1946 for 16 rubles and 50 penny.



101404, Karaganda region
city of Temirtau, Metallurgov Avenue 28/4

phone: +7 (7213) 93-19-05
+7 747 185 58 02

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Opening hours

Monday- Saturday

From 9 am-18 pm

Saturday from 10am-18pm

Sunday - day off