The history of this area before the beginning of the 20th century is poorly studied. In addition, the available information did not have the visual embodiment necessary for exhibiting. The funds of the Temirtau city's Museum did not have copies of archival documents about history of the area for that period.
In 2018, on the initiative of the State Institution "Department of Culture, Language Development, Physical Culture and Sports of Temirtau city", the Temirtau City Museum launched a research project aimed at studying the history of the Zhauyrtau tract - the area where the Temirtau city is located now.
The project collected the most interesting, unique materials about the history of our region from the mid-19th to the early 20th century, in the hall of the museum "History of the City" a reconstruction of the premises of the Zhauyrtau wintering place was created.
On the eve of Independence Day, the Temirtau Museum presented the booklet "Zhaurtau: along the roads of ancestors", developed on the basis of documents found in the State Archives of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the funds of the National, State, electronic libraries and universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation. The booklet is a collection of materials on the history, administrative-territorial affiliation, management, economy on the territory of the Zhauyrtau tract from the mid-19th to the early 20th century.
The publication materials can be useful for local historians, teachers and students studying local history, anyone who is interested in history.