An educational program in the Kriegsspiel format “Aibyn men dank”  was launched  on the occasion of  Fatherland Defender Day on May 03, 2024.
4 locations were prepared for the event. Each of them presents artifacts and museum exhibits, photographs and archival documents telling about the structures and units of the Armed Forces of the Kazakhstan Republic.

Medical examination: “Recruits” underwent a medical examination and entered the parameters of height, weight and body temperature into the serviceman’s registration card.

Training ground: young soldiers not only studied the main types of Kazakhstan's troops, but also participated in  field training, where they quickly put on military uniforms. Tactilely they identified among the items an army flask which was located in a black box.

Communications battalion:  use Morse code to decipher secret military documents.

Food department: game- participants get acquainted with the individual diet of military personnel - dry rations No. 17.

The first participants of the program were 8th grade students from school No. 10


101404, Karaganda region
city of Temirtau, Metallurgov Avenue 28/4

phone: +7 (7213) 93-19-05
+7 747 185 58 02

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Opening hours

Monday- Saturday

From 9 am-18 pm

Saturday from 10am-18pm

Sunday - day off